Pär Hedberg
Pär has extensive experience from holding leading positions in the business world. In 2002, he founded the successful incubator Sting and currently works as its CEO today.

Charlotta Stensson
Charlotta has extensive experience in marketing, from both the commissioning side and as a contractor. Today, she works as the CEO of the communication agency Bulldozer where she is also one of its partners.

Erik Stenberg
Erik has a long and solid background in business management across several industries with numerous success stories, such as THQ Nordic and Embracer Group AB.

Sofia Steinwall
Sofia has extensive experience in sustainability and innovation as well as entrepreneurship. Today, she is head of innovation and concept development at ICA.

Håkan Spjuth
Håkan is the chairman of the board. He has a long background in both business and academia, and has his own experience of running startups. Today, Håkan is the Head of Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) at Karlstad University.