Digital platform helps businesses with material supply and profitability

Visibla’s newly launched digital trading place will help businesses in the manufacturing- and engineering industry by reducing material waste, improving inventory, and at the same time increasing profitability and competitiveness.

– Our focus has been on a user-friendly platform, we’ve worked with several pilot companies in the development phase, says Maja Wennberg, one of Visiblas co-founders.

Finding raw materials with reasonable delivery times is a challenge for a lot of Swedish businesses in the manufacturing- and engineering industry. Despite materials being in stock close by. Five young entrepreneurs wanted to make this visible. Out of that, Visibla was born.

– No one profits on materials being unused in a warehouse, especially when it can be sold and valuable for other businesses, says Maja Wennberg.

An explanation for large amounts of unused materials is that you need to buy a specific amount of, for example, a steel sheet, regardless of how much is needed. And if you add long delivery times and uncertainty of the supply, a lot of businesses will stock up to have a buffer.

As a seller in the Visibla digital platform, you can make some or all your stock available, which will lead to better margins and free up tied capital.

– With Visibla we can help businesses on both ends of the transaction and the time is now for the next step in our launch in close collaboration with our users. We see a lot of opportunities to help our customers be both more digital and profitable, says Maja Wennberg.  

The next step for Visibla is to raise capital to continue the development and make marketing investments. Visibla is about to pitch for investors during A-match.

Circular Bioeconomy is an Innovation Ecosystem

At the BioEco Valley Summit, hosted by Karlstad University, Pro2BE, in collaboration with Paper Province, Region Värmland, and Sting BioEconomy, researchers and industry representatives gathered