DIRI ready to scale up after successful launch

Businesses in the industry and construction sectors struggle to provide their employees with the right safety information. The digital tool DIRI offers a solution and the company behind the app – Diri Safety Solutions – just had a successful launch.

– We have received an incredibly positive response,” says Melinda Persson, founder & CEO.

With the help of the DIRI app, people working in a risk environment can receive safety information. Everything from behavior, equipment, accident management to laws and regulations. The primary target group is small and medium-sized companies that lack their own HSE department. During the development and launch period, it has been shown that the interest extends further than that.

With a new development period, together with a number of selected companies, coming up DIRI is facing a broader launch.

– We will continue to develop the digital platform together with our first customers to be able to release it fully at the end of the year, says Melinda Persson and continues:

– As our application is currently designed, it primarily targets subcontractors in the industry, that is, people with a changing work environment. At the same time, we see great interest from traditional workplaces and from construction companies that have a completely different approach to safety. The interest has really reached more sectors than we had anticipated.

The development of the concept has been done with a great amount of patience.

– Now that we’ve launched, I am very grateful for that. That process allowed us to get very close to what users actually want. User-friendliness is always a challenge, so it has been very interesting to get feedback from our pilot customers, says Melinda.

The thoughts behind DIRI were born when Melinda Persson herself worked in industries where she was exposed to risks. From there, all the way to an incredible reception and positive results. She highlights that several companies have played a major role in the pilot phase, but that Somas has been a key partner.

– A little over a year ago, they received a minor remark in their ISO review for occupational safety. Therefore, they were keen for us to be able to deliver within a year, ahead of a new revision. One week before our release party, we found out that they were mentioned as ‘best practice’ in the new revision. A great receipt and proof that DIRI can be an important complement to ISO certifications, says Melinda and continues:

– Even at the employee level, the response has been very positive.

With a major and important milestone achieved, Diri Safety Solutions is gearing up for the next step with the goal of scaling up and gaining traction in the market.

– Now we are at a stage where we need to raise more capital. The timing feels good now that we have just shown that our product works – both in terms of feedback and actual results.

Circular Bioeconomy is an Innovation Ecosystem

At the BioEco Valley Summit, hosted by Karlstad University, Pro2BE, in collaboration with Paper Province, Region Värmland, and Sting BioEconomy, researchers and industry representatives gathered