Our most recent expansion company, Richter Life Science Development, has developed a unique technology, inter alia, for extracting lignin and cellulose from biomass. Its subsidiary Ebba Biotech is now expanding, which means that the advanced technology of Optotracing can reach even more research labs all over the world.
Richter Life Science Development, RLSD, is our most recent expansion company. They have devised a unique method for tracing and detecting specific carbohydrates, so-called polysaccharides, in tissue. Using advanced microscopy, the molecules light up, or rather fluoresce, in different colours depending on which polysaccharide they are bound to. The fluorescent tracer molecules are called Optotracers, and the technology has been named Optotracing.

Ebba Biotech is RLSD’s first subsidiary. Since 2016, the company has been reselling RLSD’s unique Optotracers to research labs all over the world. They already have clients at major universities in over one hundred countries, including the United States, Europe and South Africa.
Expansion with new premises
In January this year, Ebba Biotech moved to larger premises in Karolinska Institutet Science Park at the KI Campus Solna, just outside downtown Stockholm. The expansion means that they now have the resources to increase production and delivery capacity, and to easily ensure quality against any requirements set by their customers.

“We now have a production lab of our own, with our own equipment, and that gives us control of the entire chain from raw material to delivery. But above all, we have the opportunity to expand. If demand increases, we’ll be able to meet it,” says Ebba Biotech CEO Eva S Halén.
Optotracing in research and bioeconomy
The tracer molecules are sold in three product families: Amytracker are markers for proteins, and they can be used as tools in Alzheimer research; EbbaBiolight marks biofilm and bacteria; finally, Carbotrace detects cellulose and lignin in polysaccharides.
“Our products speed up the process and the result will be more exact. The molecules are also non-toxic and temperature-independent, so they can be sent safely by regular anywhere in the world.”
With clients all over the globe and larger premises with an in-house own production lab, Eva has great hopes for the future.
“In ten years, all researchers in this field will know about Ebba Biotech and what these tracer molecules can do for their research. The benefits of our Optotracers will be well-known,” says Eva.