On Tuesday, scientists and startup companies in the field of bioeconomy met at Karlstad Innovation Park. The purpose was to bring together scientists and startup companies to create a platform for discussion, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. The startup companies gained insight into various relevant research initiatives while the scientists had an opportunity to gain insight into what is happening in the startup world.
After the participants presented to each other, the day ended with a joint discussion. The organizers were Pro2BE at Karlstads university and Sting Bioeconomy.
– This was a very valuable opportunity. Gaining insight and understanding of each other’s respective areas of work benefits not only growth but also creates cooperation and a breeding ground for new innovative thoughts and solutions, says Peter Sassner, Business Analysis Manager, Sting Bioeconomy.

About Pro2BE
Pro2BE represents the research environment at Karlstads university which focuses on transitioning from the current economic-technical culture based on the consumption of non-renewable resources to a bioeconomy based on sustainable and environmentally friendly renewable resources and on the development of the forestry industry.
Pro2BE was represented by:
Stefan Frodeson, University lecturer in environment and energy systems
Karin Granström, Professor in environmental and energy systems
Magnus Lestelius, Professor in graphic technology
Jörgen Samuelsson, University lecturer, docent, chemistry
Agne Swerin, Professor in chemical engineering, research leader for Pro2BE
Participating companies were:
Ecopals – has developed an extremely lightweight and strong core material called GreenWood for, among other things, the manufacturing of boards for the furniture and construction industries. The product is composed of 100% natural fibers and without any chemical additives and uses very little raw materials in its production.
Richter Life Science – a technology company firmly rooted in modern biology. With patents and a deep knowledge in business areas such as biotechnology, medical technology, diagnostics, food industry, forest industry, renewable biomaterials, and biorefineries, RLS has the ability to develop revolutionary solutions for medical, industrial, and societal needs.
Scandinavian Forest Farming – has developed a seed tube made of cellulose, which not only protects against large pine weevils, but also makes planting of young stands more efficient. Their patented bio-based seed tube called Scandinavian Forest Farming protects the plant from infestation by this beetle, and can also make the young stands grow faster and more efficiently.
Hejmas Agrifibre Technologies – makes the highest grade pulp from agricultural crop waste, instead of trees. Hejmas patented process allows to make manufacturing industry specification pulp, using 80% less water, 70% less power and time, emitting 88% less CO2, all without harsh sulphide / chloride chemistry. Hejmas pulp is also as much as 70% lower cost to manufacturing partners and customers. Sustainable, environmentally friendly & economical.